Gooey Pecan Pie – Dessert For Champions!

I love me some pecan pie, especially the southern kind. However, I don’t really know the difference between a southern and northern pecan pie haha! I guess I’ve eaten many northern pecan pies in my day due to my grandmother making them all the time. You see, we are from Michigan and granny sure did make a mean pecan pie. Did your grandmother like to make pies? If so, please tell me which kinds. I love learning about other people’s family tradition and all that jazz. Making memories in the kitchen with grandma was always one of the best parts of growing up.

The pie recipe on the following page is super easy to make and it renders a thick and juicy pie with lots of ooey gooey filling. You’re going to love it!
Let me know how you like this recipe in the comment section below. Enjoy!*

This pie recipe is quite simple to follow and the ingredients are easy to get. I know you will be overjoyed to indulge in this yummy treat as I certainly was!

1 cup Domino sugar
1 1⁄2 cups Karo corn syrup (I use 1/2 dark and 1/2 light)
4 eggs
1⁄4 cup Kerrygold butter
1 1⁄2 teaspoons vanilla
1 1⁄2 cups pecans, coarsely broken
1 Pillsbury unbaked deep dish pie shell

In saucepan boil sugar and corn syrup together for 2 to 3 minutes; set aside to cool slightly.
In large bowl beat eggs lightly and very slowly pour the syrup mixture into the eggs, stirring constantly.
At this point I like to strain the mixture to make sure it’s smooth and lump free.
Stir in butter, vanilla, and pecans and pour into crust.
Bake in a 350°F oven for about 45 to 60 minutes or until set.

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